Plugins to the Rescue

Guinea Pig Challenge

Today I spent the majority of my time on 2 things. The first is related to my goals peripherally and the second is directly related I hope. I will explain the ‘I hope’ part shortly. So now it is much later than usual getting my IAAC done.

I spent most of the morning working on making my office usable. I spent much more time than I meant to, especially since this is on peripherally related to my goals. It will be a better place to work. I am almost there. I just have to get the desk cleaned off. Right now it is covered with unmatched chargers and parts of 2 wireless phone sets. It definitely shows my pack rat side.

This afternoon I started investigating WordPress plugins for what I thought might have to be programmed. I found plugins for like/dislike counts, custom post types, and download managers. They all have multiple choices. I decided to start by trying the download managers.

I was looking for download counts, limiting the downloads to once a day and login required features. What I quickly learned is, at least these plugins, are complicated to get set up. I spent a couple of hours and never got either one to work. I am going to have to spend time learning how to set these up. Still should be less time than it would take me to program it. We’ll see.

What it did emphasize is that I absolutely have to have a test environment. I have multiple websites so that shouldn’t be a problem.

IAAC Video Day 114

This is my 114th day in the #iamalivechallenge. I am alive and doing very well. I hope your doing very well as well

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I Am Alive
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