Planning Continues

Guinea Pig Challenge

Yesterday I started the planning for my 3 Guinea Pig Challenge goals. My 3 goals are

  1. Get 10 Prosperity Management System students by January 1, 2021.
  2. Get my website, internet ready.
  3. 100 email series in my autoresponder by January 1, 2021.

I started by with goal #3, 100 emails. But could only come up with a very short list of tasks and milestones. I was hoping after getting away from it for a while more would come to mind. So far, I have not come up with anything new. For now lets move on to goal #1.

Getting 10 Prosperity Management students appears on the surface to be a straightforward recruiting effort. But, as I have mentioned before, PMS is a very unique program. I have referred to it as the ‘Ideal System’. Why would I say that? I say that because PMS can be used as a complete system just as you get it or you can completely customize it. PMS comes with 15 programs for you to promote and build downlines by just adding your user IDs. Or, you can change every program to be ones that you prefer.

In other words, you can promote 15 programs of your choice not someone else’s. Can you think of another program that allows you to do that? I can’t. You can add all your own training to support your programs and you can change the pages on the website to match your programs and style. I bring these features up so that some of the tasks make sense. That being said, let me start listing tasks and milestone.

  • Review Prosperity Marketing for changes needed
  • Send promotional email everyday
  • New video to replace current GetResponse video with an Aweber version
  • Add training for LeadsLeap tracking feature to replace HitsConnect
  • Add training for changing PMS pages to document the quirks I have discovered.
  • Several pages need updating to sync with my programs.
  • Contact downline at least twice/week
  • Get connection to Aweber fixed.

Several of the items on the list need to be broken down to a lower level. This will happen as I review the system. I did this once and have some good notes but I did it awhile ago and need to review it again.

Do you think it would be a good idea for me to create separate pages for these goals, their tasks and my progress? That way the progress will be on display for all to see and as I said in my first post in this series, accountability creates incentive.

IAAC Video Day 108

Until Tomorrow, Bob Caine

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