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A couple of days ago, I talked about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) architecture and the use of B(lock), E(lement), M(odifier) methodology. This video explains the advantages of using BEM. I actually use a clip from the Udemy course I am taking to explain the advantages. I figure the instructor, Nick, does a great job explaining […]

I am so glad I took this course at Udemy. The course is called “Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow”. The instructor is Brad Schiff. The course is described as teaching Git, Github, Node.js, NPM, Object-oriented JavaScript, ES6, webpack, Netlify, BEM and job interview tips. I am not looking for job but […]

For a long time I have been amazed by all the pieces parts involved with web development. I talked about it in yesterdays post. Another thought I have had about web development for a long time is it is very verbose. Today I learned that it is even more verbose than I thought. According to […]

I have said for years that internet development has too many “pieces parts”. I had no idea how many pieces parts there were. What lead me to this revelation was comments in the UDemy course I am taking on WordPress Theme design. I am almost done with the course. I was in the section where […]