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Prioritizes Tasks
- Get connection to Aweber fixed.
- Review Prosperity Marketing for changes needed
- Identify pages that need changes to sync with programs
- Identify training needed for programs
- LeadsLeap General
- LeadsLeap Tracking instead of HitsConnect
- Changing PMS pages
- Identify videos needed
- Aweber setup to replace current Get Response
- LeadsLeap tracking
- Send promotional email everyday
- Contact downline at least twice/week
Initial Tasks
- Review Prosperity Marketing for changes needed
- Send promotional email everyday
- New video to replace current GetResponse video with an Aweber version
- Add training for LeadsLeap tracking feature to replace HitsConnect
- Add training for changing PMS pages to document the quirks I have discovered.
- Several pages need updating to sync with my programs.
- Contact downline at least twice/week
- Get connection to Aweber fixed.