More CSS Acrhitecture
A couple of days ago, I talked about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) architecture and the use of B(lock), E(lement), M(odifier) methodology. This video explains the advantages of using BEM. I actually use a clip from the Udemy course I am taking to explain the advantages. I figure the instructor, Nick, does a great job explaining the advantages so why should I try and parrot it back. I never understood before how helpful CSS could be. But, I have learned that well structured (BEM) CSS cqan save you time and headaches especially on a large website. Nick teaches a way to structure BEM that makes a lot of sense to me. Blocks are short descriptors of what the block is; e.g., row. Elements are the block name, 2 underscores, and the element descriptor; e.g., row__33-percent-column. Modifiers are the block name, 2 dashes, and the modifier descriptor; e.g., row–blue-font. One of the